10 things about 9/11 you probably didn’t know

1. A research shows that a week after 9/11 the alcohol consumption in the Manhattan area rose with 25 percent and the tobacco consumption – with 10 percent.

2. Art lost value. Did you know that when the Twin Towers collapsed, more than $100 million was estimated as the total value of the art loss?

3. The hard work firefighters put on in order to save our lives. It was reported that the process of extinguishing the fire, caused by the attacks, took about 100 days!''

4. The humongous count of dead bodies. It was stated that the government was able to recover only 291 dead bodies, while the exact number of children who have lost their parents is 3, 051.

5. The unreliable black box. For the first time in 40 years a cockpit voice tape (a.k.a a black box) was reported to yield absolutely no data!

6. Making money through the disaster. Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins wrote the 2001’s American bestseller, entitled “Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne”.

7. An intelligent machine. Three hours before the attacks, a machine called Random Event Generator predicted the unfolding of a cataclysm.

8. The hero. Did you know that Roselle, a guide dog, saved her blind owner after leading him down 78 storeys of the North Tower?

9. The buried “treasure”. Among the splintered debris, 437 watches, 144 wedding rings and thousands other items were found.

10. Google’s hot-topics. During the 9/11 week the most researched topics on Google were CNN, Osama Bin Laden, Nostradamus and The World Trade Center.