The Most Beautiful Building in the World ( Taj Mahal )

The Taj Mahal is famous . Is performances come from everywhere.
 Expect good inch photos , but that relies more photos ?
 Travelling with my travel partner Renee , married me for decades , let the children tell us that they are independent in the summer and you do not need us . Our mantra , you can not shoot, we're launched right in.We tickets reserved for India and the first adventures and trips. Renee is a teacher, so we went in the summer. Everywhere we went , it was hot . In India , pre - monsoon, which were in the 40-45 degrees ( 105 -115 F) Celsius range .
 Hot . Loved it. Imaginative traveler passed by a British adventure travel company chosen for us by Tracy Fiala , our adventure travel specialist Trek Escapes . I mention these two organizations because they were and are great . This leads us to Agra , the industrial city that has the Taj Mahal. That may be true , but we have heard that Agra concern was caused by local stations acids affecting the marble Taj Mahal rain . Local authorities were afraid , because if the Taj Mahal is damaged , tourist traffic would dry up and no one came to a city otherwise inelegant. Some awoke before dawn to see the sunrise over the Taj Mahal. Forget it. We traveled hard and wanted to sleep .
 So then we went to the end of the group at the entrance, the usual confusion of resellers, faux guides Taj Mahal, real guides , cheats and sellers of tourist things . Through the door in dark garbage strewn ruins ticket seller banned most archaic dark cabin , we left feeling impressed, ready for a disappointment. There comes a time in every person's life when you know you will not see anything more beautiful. Do not think those lofty thoughts . All I could do is stand there, feeling of weakness in the legs and can not breatheTaj Mahal. Beauty , harmony and perfection of the building, saw they had a long walk and the pond was beyond all expectations.
 The Taj Mahal was built by a man who loved his wife . She died , and built in his memory the most beautiful building in the world. Shah Jahan, the most powerful ruler , was devastated by the loss of his beloved Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal still stands 400 years later as a monument to a passionate love , a monument to a man who commanded the best architects of his time and the benefits of wealth in the world can give to civilization. When Renee and I looked at the building in the distance , we can begin to walk towards him , lest the beauty when we get away.
 Walking through central and ponds throughout the building , we stopped in the heat under a huge neem tree . Known for its health benefits , neem has provided refuge for us. We needed it . It was warm , bright and painfully hot . Always looking at the Taj Mahal and the approach that we have a long look in the environment.
 The building is built on a platform. In each of the four corners of the platform is constructed as a tower in religious buildings Muslims. The set was the side of the Yamuna river , big and wide . When we start to see the nearby buildings and granite arches and vaults of colors began to assert anything. Seeing them reminded me of the sweetest music I have ever heard . The rest are details , but the details of this work of love and genius is what makes this time so perfect.
 This is one of those 'you have to see yourself sometimes. " When you go to the ends of the earth will find everything you seek is within you. 's Journey of self - discovery is created through discoveryTaj Mahal .
 Taj Mahal is learned that the spirit in you is greater , bigger, broader and more comprehensive than you knowTaj Mahal .
you just do not see a large building. you see how your ability to see, and what is unknown to you your own mind. has been 15 years since that day . I can get there in a moment. sometimes when I think I can not do something , I think of the greatness within each of us , as evidenced by the Taj Mahal , and find a way to do what I could for me.